Energy-Efficient Home Comfort Systems

Safety Visit Questionnaire

The purpose of the questionnaire is to follow the Health Canada guidelines and Ontario Health for COVID-19 Contact Tracing.  We want to make sure you and our staff are safe.  If you could please take a moment to fill this out?

COVID-19 Customer Safety Visit Questionnaire

Please advise us if you require a mask while we are at your home and we will provide a disposal mask for one person if required.

When we arrive, we will call you from your driveway so you can prepare the entry way to the furnace room and turn on the lights for us while maintaining a 2 metre distance at all times.

It is your responsibility to inform Unionville Heating if any of the questionnaire answers change between the time completing the questionnaire and the time of service.

Please complete the following before your service appointment with Unionville Heating Staff.